Dear Email

Dear Email,

I’m breaking up with you. Our time together has been great, but I think the time has come to say goodbye. In the beginning, you were so much fun! I remember those early days together fondly – I would come to the computer lab on weekends to see you and never knew what to expect. Would you bring tidings from faraway places? Laughter shared with our friends?

Over time, the day-to-day settled in. You stopped being so spontaneous. Our time together was more mundane, the laughter less often. The faraway places got closer and closer, until I felt like the tidings were coming from next door. Literally. Sometimes, you made me cry. Still, though, the happy times outweighed the bad.

Email is a zombie that keeps rising from the dead': the endless pursuit of  Inbox Zero | Email | The Guardian

But now? Now, you are ALWAYS there. You don’t give me any space. Morning, noon, night, 7 days a week, there you are, always demanding my attention, expecting me to drop everything for you. I never have any “me-time” anymore, it is always “we-time.”

I’m sorry I let it get to this. So, I’m breaking up with you. I hope we can still be friends, and I’m sure we’ll still see each other occasionally, but I can’t take it anymore.



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